Tag Archives: Adam Curtis

Watching Over Brautigan

By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29768619 In September of this year we’ll recognize 35 years since poet Richard Brautigan shot himself in the head, committing suicide at the age of 49 in 1984. I was thinking about Brautigan today because a link to the excellent Adam Curtis documentary All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace [...]

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Rerun Rand

I came across an interesting article earlier today. With the rise of Trump I thought the religious right and the Ayn Rand extremists in the Republican party had been ousted. Unfortunately, the fake Christians seem as empowered as ever, and according to this piece, Ayn Rand has never held more sway over D.C….Here’s the word [...]

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New Normal

This past Sunday night was the debut of Adam Curtis’ new BBC documentary, HyperNormalisation. Curtis is a flat-out genius and any new film from the master is an occasion for celebration… We live in a time of great uncertainty and confusion. Events keep happening that seem inexplicable and out of control. Donald Trump, Brexit, the [...]

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Adam Curtis Comes Alive

I was recently reminded of how much I love Adam Curtis’s documentaries. Note to self: Where’s this boxed set? Looking through the bookmark where I dump lots of stuff that might be posted here or chatted-up on the podcast, I came across this cool video introduction to an artist who ranks among my favorite contemporary [...]

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Afghanistan and the West

“Increasingly, we live in a world where nothing makes any sense — events come and go like waves of a fever leaving us confused and uncertain. Those in power tell stories to help us make sense of the complexity of reality. But, those stories are increasingly unconvincing and hollow. This is a film about why [...]

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