Tag Archives: KKK
Exile on Hate Street
The news is recently filled with images of protests triggered by the murders of black teens by white police. However, reports about the similarities between these happenings and the Civil Rights protests 50 years ago are tightly controlled and focused on fantasies of reconciliation without retribution. It’s as if we’re suddenly all supposed to wake [...]
Haunting Goatman’s Bridge
Was casting about for some weirdness to post here when I got into a quick chat with Chris Charbonneau on Facebook. A few quick clicks around on his page uncovered a paranormal phenomenon that I wasn’t familiar with: It’s a story about America’s haunted history of racism and violence that may have resulted in an [...]
Coincidence Control Network: Episode 65
This week: Ken gets all nerdy about the Star Wars Episode VII cast announcement, The KKK gets all neighbourly and then sleeps with a gay black guy, Bees are little bastards!, Balls of purity, More fascism in the UK, Dem Vampire Ants be all up in my yard, E.T.’s sordid past, Locke and load, and [...]