This year we celebrate the tenth birthday of the film V for Vendetta, based on the classic graphic novel by Alan Moore. Moore is more than cantankerous when addressing the cinematic adaptations of his work, and movies like Watchmen, From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen explain his ill-temper.
That said, for me, V is the exception and probably the best adaptation of Moore’s work we’re likely to see for some time. The movie was as faithful an adaptation as one might imagine and it brought a huge audience to the book’s examination of fascist psychology and propaganda. The book is one of Moore’s best, but I doubt that the Occupy Movement and Anonymous would have adopted the iconography of the Guy Fawkes mask if the image hadn’t been so widely exposed by the film.
That said, let’s give the author his last word. Here’s Moore talking about V…
Stay Awake!
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